Meet Cindy
Registered Dietitian, author,
homeschool mom and motivational speaker
I have a passion for helping women experience God’s best — including freedom, joy, and good health. And I believe it is possible to truly enjoy food and still achieve a healthy weight and lifestyle. I invite you on this journey with me. I promise it will be an adventure filled with struggles and triumphs, battles and glory, sweat and sweet success — one day at a time.
Where to Begin

We’ve bought into lies about our health and bodies. We’ve come to believe that diets will help us achieve the body we want and that having that body will bring happiness, contentment and fulfillment. Both are false. The Diet Exodus is all about shedding the false beliefs we’ve been sold and walking in truth.

Access a Course

Finding Freedom from Food
In video format, this class is Bible based and invites participants to work through six weeks of content to kick off a journey to a healthier, happier existence.

What’s included:
Video teaching – 6 sessions starting with a mindset makeover and covering topics such as the truth about diets, food, our identity, choices, thoughts; food traps and how to overcome them; dealing with temptations; the role of sleep and stress on food cravings; as well as motivation as we journey to the promised land where we find freedom from food.
6 weeks of daily prayers
Challenge tracking sheets
Journal pages